Friday, May 15, 2015

International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12th. 

Every year there’s a different theme set by the International Council of Nurses (ICN). This year’s theme for 2015 is Nurses A Force For Change: Care Effective, Cost Effective. A kit of promotional and educational material is distributed every year that supports the theme. 

There are different fields and levels of nursing, though all target to do the same thing, to help the individual in need to recover in good health. Nurses constantly try to maintain a sense of community. Nurses communicate with everybody. From doctors, to social workers, to patients and the patients families. 

Nurses are a huge part of the healthcare industry and are responsible for many different tasks. From welfare, recovery, and safety of patients, nurses work tirelessly everyday including holidays and weekends. They work long hours taking care of the ill and injured. So, let's take this week and thank the nurses for doing all the difficult tasks that they do.