Friday, January 30, 2015

Diet Soda could break your heart seriously!

(January 30, 2015)An unlikely cause of heart problems in senior citizen women is from a culprit  many of us have in our refrigerators. Diet soda. According to a national study, ,cited in an article on the AARP website this past April, post menopausal women that drink diet soda on a regular basis have a greater likelihood of having heart attacks and strokes.

The study showed that women who drank two or more diet sodas a day were 30 percent more likely to have cardiovascular problems and had a 50 percent stronger chance of dying from a heart related disease than those who did not drink as much diet soda.

But that's not all! This study seems to be supported by previous research where artificial sweeteners in drinks were found to be associated with teenage and adult weight gain and an increase in Metabolic Syndrome which increases ones chances of having heart disease. 

While this study was quoted to have only proved an association between drinking diet soda and heart related diseases and did not prove that drinking diet soda causes heart disease it still may be a better idea to drink water when your thirsty and stay away from the diet soda!